Розробки уроків

Урок із застосуванням методу проектів
з теми: "Home, Sweet Home".

6-Й клас
-систематизувати та узагальнити знання учнями лексичного та граматичного матеріалу по темі "Квартира"
- систематизація раніше вивчених слів і виразів з теми; читання тексту і вибір з нього необхідної інформації; вміння підготувати і коротко передати основ-ну думку прочитаного з опорою на текст, використовуючи в мові обороти There is (are), артиклі, прийменники місця і напрямку;
- розвиток пам'яті, уваги, логічного мислення, мови, шляхом збагачення і ускладнення її словникового запасу іноземною мовою;
- виховання культури спілкування, інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови.
1. Навчальні: провести практику учнів у мовній діяльності: монологічного, діалогічного мовлення і аудіювання.
2. Виховні: виховувати повагу до думки інших людей, сприяти виробленню власної думки.
3. Розвиваючі: розвивати творчу фантазію, уяву, ініціативу у здійсненні мовленнєвої діяльності; навчати дітей робити висновки і узагальнення по темі.
ТИП УРОКУ: захист створених проектів.
ОБЛАДНАННЯ УРОКУ: картинки з теми, проекти дітей.
I. Оргмомент.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you.
Class: Good morning! Glad to see you too.
II. Мовна розминка
(Проводиться у формі T-P1, P2 і т.д.).
T: How are you today, Nastya?
P: I am fine, thank you.
T: And you, Olga?
P: I am all right. And you?
T: I am great, thank you. Today we shall speak about different kind of houses. But first, let's remember the provebs about the house.
Учні називають прислів'я, які вивчалися на попередніх уроках
"Home, Sweet Home".
"There's no place like home".
"East or West, home is best".
III. Фонетична зарядка:
T: Now, name the words with the following sounds:
[T] - TV set, stereo, table, stove, flat e.t.
[D] - desk, bed, cold, modern, e.t,
[W] - wall, wall unit, flower, wash, e.t.
[R] - running water, room, right, e.t.
[K] - carpet, cupboard, cosy, kitchen, e.t.
IV. Аудіювання тексту з опорою на картинки по темі.
T: Now I want you to look at these pictures, listen to the text and try to guess what room this is. Be ready to tell why you think so. Please, listen carefully.
Учням пропонується п'ять картинок по темі під номерами. Дві з них відрізняються  розташуванням лише одного предмета.
T: This is a living room. There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a vase with flowers on it. There are no chairs in the room. You can see a sofa by the wall and two armchairs near it. In the living room there is a TV set, a carpet, a lamp and a bookshelf. There are white curtains on the windows. What number of this room and why do you think so?
P: This room is number three because this is a living room and there are no chairs in this room. In all the rest there are some chairs.
V. Захист проектів.
a). T: There are many different houses and flats in the world. Let's remember what typical British house looks like.
T: What is the number of people in typical British house?
P: A typical British house is for a family of two, three or four people.
T: How many floors has a typical house got?
P: It has got two floors.
T: What rooms are on the ground floor?
P: On the ground floor there is a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen.
T: What rooms are there on the first floor?
P: There is a bathroom and bedrooms there.
T: How many bedrooms have houses got?
P: Small houses have one or two rooms. Large houses have three or more.
b). T: And now let's imagine for a while that you are famous designers. Suggest your own projects of your flats or rooms. Please, listen to your classmates about their houses or flats and be ready to ask them some questions.
Учні по групах захищають свої проекти, виконані на альбомних аркушах і підготовлені в усній формі.
Group 1: "The Best House"
We think it's very good if a house is in a quiet area. There is a children's playground and a small garden with trees and flowers in it. In a good house there are cosy rooms and rooms with all modern conveniences. Our house has two floors. On the ground floor there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom. Our bedrooms are on the first floor.
Our living room is the largest and the sweetest room in the world. It faces the garden. It is nicely furnished. There is no a lot of furniture. In the corner you can see a color TV set. There are a lot of channels on the TV, including the educational programme. In the opposite corner there is a sofa and two armchairs. The piano is in the right. There are some pictures on the walls. On the windows there are beautiful green flowers. Look! There is a wonderful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. And we have a tiny fountain in the middle of the room. Every thing is white and yellow in the room. We think it's the best house.
Учні інших груп було задано наступні питання:
-Are there any beds in your house?
- Are there carpets on the floor or on the walls?
- Have you got a tape-recorder or a computer? Where are they?
Group 2: "My Favorite Room"
My favorite room is my study. It is very nice and comfortable. In my room I have got a writing-table, two chairs and some bookshelves here. We are fond of books and have a lot of them. There is a computer in my room and I like to play computer games. Here you can see a sofa-bed. In the corner of the room there is a small table with a music centre on it. I enjoy listening to music. There is a thick carpet on the floor. On the walls I have my favorite pictures and photographs. And there are nice light curtains on the widows. To my mind it's a lovely room and I like it.
Questions: - Is your room big?
-Are there any chairs in your room?
-What is your favorite computer game?
Group 3: "Our Fantastic Flat".
This is our Fantastic Flat. We live in space in the spaceship. Everyone has a room of his own. They are not big but have all you need. Everything is done with the help of computer and robots. Robots can do housework. They cook, wash and dust. That's why our spaceship is clean and tidy. We have a lot of time to learn and study the space.
Questions: - Do you think it's comfortable to live in such flat?
Are there any beds in your flat? What do they look like?
What color is your spaceship?
T: Do you like these houses? Which project do you like best? Why?
Учні висловлюють свої думки про проекти, аргументуючи свій вибір.
T: All your projects are very good and well done. Thank you for your work.
VI. Діалог з новим учнем про його квартирі.
T: This year a new student Igor has come to your class. Let's speak about his flat: where he lives, what kind of flat he has.
P1: Igor, where do you live?
I: I live in an ordinary house in Gagarin Street.
P2: How many rooms are there in your house?
I: There are five rooms in my house: a living room, a dining room, two bedrooms and a study.
P3: Have you your own room?
I: Yes. I am happy to have a room of my own. There is little furniture in it; my bed, a desk with a computer, a couple of chairs, a bookcase and a tape recorder.
P4: You like living there, don't you?
I: You are right, it is very comfortable.
VII. Творча робота: (конкурс дизайнерів  меблів)
I have got a new flat. And I bought the new furniture, but I don't know how to stay it in my flat. Help me, please, disainers. (Робота з предметами меблів і опис кімнати)
VIII. Підведення підсумків уроку.
При підведенні підсумків уроку з'ясовую наступне:
З якими труднощами ви зустрілися? Що ви зробили, щоб подолати ці труднощі?
Що було сьогодні незвичайного? Що сподобалося?
Кому і в чому допоміг сьогодні урок?
Оцінювання: наголошу на роботы груп над проектами, роботі окремих учнів і виставляю оцінки.

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